Alexa, Tell Me About A Midsummer Night’s Dream

On October 27th and 28th, the Middle School presented their production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream… with a modern twist! The new version, adapted by Ms. Hale, took Shakespeare’s comedy, which mixes the worlds of magic and reality, to a new level by hilariously combining magic, modern day, and Shakespearean characters!

Sarah Lewis plays a typical middle schooler who is freaking out about a quiz on A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Her internet assistant, Alexa, reads her the story in a monotone, computer-generated voice, practically putting her to sleep. Suddenly, Puck, played by an energetic and exuberant Riley Driscoll, pops into the form of Alexa to tell the story of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in a fashion that is more exciting and easy to understand. Musical transitions like One Way or Another played throughout chase scenes while Magic played when magic intertwined with Shakespeare’s story world.

As said by Ms. Hale, the purpose of the new take on the beautiful classic is to “provide an entry point to the language, characters, and story of the play for a student who might be new to Shakespeare’s work.”

The set was minimal with column-like curtains transporting the audience to the “old world” and a massive Amazon Alexa, which Puck rolled around in for almost the entire show, directly placing the audience into the “new world”.

Another noteworthy actor was Jack Hamann, who played Nick Bottom, a dramatic Shakespearean actor who then transforms into a donkey! With dry humor and hilarious irony, he is a great addition to the show.

Overall, the very talented cast did a fantastic job, and if you missed it, you certainly don’t want to miss their next show, a musical: Schoolhouse Rock!

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