The Fairy Prom Mother
Shopping for a prom dress can be an exciting and memorable event in the life of many high school girls. However, for Emily Goodrich, a junior at Worcester Academy, this experience was truly impactful. While shopping for her prom dress, Emily felt fortunate that she was able to afford a dress of her choosing, and she was especially grateful to have her mom by her side to help her find that perfect dress. She was ultimately able to take a step back and arrive at the realization “that at Worcester Academy many girls share a similar prom shopping experience, but there are even more girls in the Worcester area who do not have this ability. The night of prom is something every high school girl dreams about, and the cost associated with it should not take away from their special night.”
It was this idea that inspired Emily to create The Fairy Prom Mother, a local prom dress drive initiative that provides free dresses and accessories to high school girls in need. “As the Fairy Prom Mother, my goal is to make each and everyone’s dream for the perfect prom dress come true, similar to the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella.” Community service has always played a

crucial component of Emily’s life. Before starting The Fairy Prom Mother she had participated in community events and organizations, but had only been involved on a volunteer basis. The creation of The Fairy Prom Mother marks her first time both founding and running her own non-profit. Since this was her first time creating a non-profit, she had a few initial worries, such as being able to gather enough support, and adults questioning her legitimacy as an organization because of her age. After successfully founding and running The Fairy Prom Mother, these worries have faded away. “One major thing that I have taken away from this experience is that age is just a number.” Emily says.

Emily partnered with Carbonneau Bridal and Formalwear, a local boutique that graciously donated some of the dresses. She also partnered with the UPS store in Auburn which helped collect donations. To circulate information about the organization, Emily used various social media platforms such as an Instagram and a Facebook page. In total, The Fairy Prom Mother successfully garnered around 150 dresses of various colors, styles, and sizes.
On March 17, The Fairy Prom Mother hosted a successful Boutique Day at the Worcester Public Library. Emily’s family and friends helped her transform a conference room into a small yet vibrant dress shop, complete with music and refreshments. Emily bonded with the girls as she talked to them about their ideal dress and she made it her mission to make their wishes come true. She described the day as “emotionally overwhelming” and “incredibly heartwarming.” She said, it was extremely humbling hearing girls tell her “that without The Fairy Prom Mother they wouldn’t have been able to wear a dress to prom.” She also stated, “I think that I saw the mission and values of The Fairy Prom Mother unfold from the girls that attended the Boutique Day, and I also think that we had equally important impacts on each other.” Thanks to The Fairy Prom Mother, around 25 girls were able to find their dream dresses on Boutique Day.
When asked what advice she would give to high school students aspiring to be non-profit entrepreneurs, she said, “If you are
truly passionate about something, own it. Give it your all and go for it. I know it may sound cliché, but you never know how something will go until you try. Though it was a risk to build an organization out of my own pocket, I would never think twice about the decision I made. I can’t wait to see the work that I can do in the future.”