Why Audition For the School Play?

Are you free during the winter and looking for a fun, healthy environment to build a skill set, boost your confidence, and for it all to look good for college applications? JOIN THEATER! 

I get it. I played soccer my entire life, started Club when I was in the first grade, and I have to admit, I thought theater was a silly, embarrassing hobby for a long time. I came to WA with no intention of participating in the performing arts. One way or another, my Elements of Theater Arts class somehow convinced me to audition for a role the winter of my freshman year, and ever since I have been a part of the WA theater community. Ultimately, it changed my life for the better and I think it could do the same for you. 


Theater is an exciting way to build confidence. Whether you decide to act on stage or work behind the scenes, watching your hard work pay off in a performance is a feeling like no other. It is so satisfying to see all the pieces come together and see that YOU were a part of such a beautiful show. Acting on stage has both improved my public speaking and has helped me when it comes to interviews, presentations, and meeting new people. I often get complimented on my listening skills, as well, because a big part of theater is listening. I have become so good at these basic things from simply becoming a more experienced actress. In terms of crew work you can learn to use power tools and the technicalities of lighting, etc. Assistant stage managers will improve leadership skills and communication by helping keep the chaos under control. Every job theatre has to offer comes with great benefits and that is the beauty of it all!


There is no kinder environment than WA’s theater program. I would argue that some of the sweetest people you will ever meet live in the PC and Warner; everyone there are people who are consistently engaged in the initiative of making everyone feel heard. Their kindness can be seen in their other extracurriculars, and day-to-day life.  Not to mention, the adults involved in the Performing Arts at WA are also some of the most accepting, thoughtful, and loving beings to walk around campus. They truly want what’s best for you and will help you in every way to make sure you are your best self for every rehearsal, tech meeting, performance, etc. Outside of theater, they have your best interest at heart too. They are always open to chat if you see them around school. The production team for WA Performing Arts are some of my biggest supporters and are more than happy to be. 


I’m not saying you should join theater just for this reason, but let me tell you: theater is one of the best extracurriculars you can have on your college application. It demonstrates that the applicant has a creative side and a variety of skills. While excellent grades and sports are certainly important, you also want to show that you have a passion for the arts. Interviews become a piece of cake when you are an actress/actor, and making friends at a new school may get much simpler. Overall, theater is something that will help you not only in college but life. 

Having Fun!

Last but not least, theater is enjoyable! No matter what role you play, on or off stage, the process never fails to have its fun quirks. Anyone can be a part of the experience, as well. Like make-up? Help us backstage with it! Passion for photography and filming? Make us trailers! Like using tools and building? Mr. Plante’s got you covered. Want to boss people around? Assistant stage manager is calling your name? WANT TO ACT? AUDITION! 


Moral of the story… join theater! IT’S FUN!

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