Give Back Before March Break


As their spring season approaches, the Varsity Boys’ Baseball Team has launched a school-wide Book Drive, asking the Worcester Academy community to donate various children’s books to help elementary school students ahead of their Florida trip.

Led by senior pitcher Ryan Sullivan, the team is hoping to give back to the community and has been inspired by the work of Varsity Boys Basketball Coach Jamie Sullivan. He described how “[the Baseball team] had done recent community service…years ago when they…went to Florida, so I wanted to get that started back up.” Senior captains Cole Hambly and James Anastastopoulous said that the team is “going to [the] elementary school…and reading to the kids,” hoping to “give back to the community” and show their gratitude for their opportunities. Ultimately, the team is “really proud of this [initiative] and really…happy that [they’re able to do this [drive].”

Before heading off to Spring Break, the Vigornia implores the WA community to give back and pitch in any and all children’s books you have! Please place your donated books in the Student Center foyer, as the last day to donate is March 8th. 

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