Should You Go to Prom with a Date or with Friends?

Prom is one of the biggest high school events across the country. Everyone is always looking for a date (check out our other articles about Prom); however, many people can’t find a date and go with friends instead. This raises the question: should you go to prom with friends or with a date?

Going to prom with friends is the easier option because you don’t have to worry about finding a date; your friend group can focus on making fun memories and having a good night instead of worrying about your date. Also, going with friends gives some security about who you will hang out with when you’re not dancing. Sometimes when you’re on a date, you don’t know if your partner is going to want to spend time with their friends while you want to spend time with yours, so going with friends might be the better option. 

However, if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, going with a date is the better option. One of the biggest moments of the night is the slow dance. Having a date at prom can make everything less awkward when the slow song comes on. Another fun part about having a date is the promposal (check out our article “Prom-posals Need a Comeback: Best Ways to Ask Someone to Prom”). Asking someone to prom, with a grand gesture from that special someone, can help build the excitement for the big night and make prom memorable.

Both options will give you lasting memories that you won’t forget. But who would you rather go with: a friend or a date? 

I hope everyone has a wonderful time at the prom.

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