Prom-posals Need a Comeback: Best Ways to Ask Someone to Prom
by Téa Richardson Ojeda
Alright people, it’s that time of the year: everyone is hunting for the perfect dress, suit, shoes, and hairstyle; that’s right, it’s prom season!
One of the main things people look forward to (or at least I do) is seeing the creative prom-posals people have come up with. However, it has been 4 years since I have seen a prom-posal on campus, arguably being one of the best (shout-out to former Head BOM Faith Mancini). That being said…we need to step it up, WA! Even though most people would rather avoid the whole song-and-dance when it comes to a proposal, the tradition can also make prom a special and unforgettable experience. Getting that promposal is something that people will cherish, making prom an unforgettable moment when looking back years later.
Now, the whole proposal thing doesn’t have to be grand. No one is expecting a plane to fly over the quad or a performance during assembly (although that would be cute). A poster asking that person to prom during lunch, or if you have a class with that person during then (with the teacher’s permission of course) is enough to make a person feel special.
If you have a certain someone you would like to go with, take charge! Don’t sit and wait for them to ask you, because there’s a chance it might not happen. Build up the courage and ask them yourself.
At the end of the day, you only experience high school once; why not make one of the most traditional high school experiences something to look back on and smile about? It all starts with a poster, some markers, and the confidence to ask that question…will you go to Prom with me?
How to create the perfect prom-posal!
by Melanie Rosenthal
Prom is just around the corner and you’ve decided that you want to ask someone, but you don’t know how? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Coming up with the perfect way to ask that question isn’t easy. Luckily I’m here, your fairy godmother, to save the day. As Allstate preaches, “you’re in good hands.”
So…where do you even begin? As in writing, figure out who your target audience is. What I mean by this is, who are you asking to prom? What do they like? What would make them go “awww,” or make them run in the opposite direction? Do you get where I’m going here? Just find a way to their heart. It’ll make the prom-posal feel genuine and meaningful. Don’t procrastinate on this. Sure – you can simply text them something along the lines of, “hey, want to go to prom with me?” but it’s giving nothing but below the bare minimum. It’s 2025, people. Go big or go home. Why not make it something to remember? The more creative the better!
Getting a poster and bouquet of flowers does the job. But what you put on the poster and how you execute the proposal also plays a crucial role. Are you thinking of asking at school in front of a crowd or in front of their home? You can also involve your friends by having them hold up letters spelling out PROM, or creating a skit/dance leading up to the big question. There are so many ideas, just make it look like you actually put in effort by including their favorite show, food, or song. At the end of the day, a thoughtful proposal is guaranteed to make someone feel special and that’s the whole point. A perfect promposal is subjective, so don’t stress. I believe that whatever you come up with will truly be amazing. If you still are having trouble thinking about what you want to do, below I’ve included some ideas. Good luck!
Cute & Creative Prom-posals: